H. ‘Katsuragawa Beni’
Size : Medium
Leaf : Ovate/lanceolate, pointed, dark green, ruffled margin, with purple-red petioles extending into leaf.
Parentage : u/k, but possibly related to either H.kikutii or H.longipes
Originator : Masaoka
Registered : N/R, introduced in the early 90s
Comments : Found growing wild in Japan. According to Zonneveld, in an article he wrote for the AHS Journal in 1996, he thinks it’s a form of H. longipes. Zilis however, lists it in the Hostapedia as being related to H. kikutii. I can see possible traits from both of these plants in it, but it’s unlikely to be an interspecific hybrid, given where it was found.
My Collection
Propagation : Could be split